Haney-Leighton Fund Grantees
The Haney-Leighton Fund Board values the progressive work of our grantees throughout Maine who are working to address root causes of poverty and injustice and provide positive solutions for change. We hope you will connect with them and each other to coordinate and extend your own justice work.
Grantees, please contact the Haney-Leighton Fund at haneyfund@gmail.com with any updates.

Grantees: 2023
- Afgan Community of Maine
- facebook.com/people/Afgan-Community-of-Maine
- Project: Support for resources and services for immigrants/New Mainers, mostly from Afghanistan, in navigating resettlement, preserving culture, and building community in Maine.
- Contact: afghansofmaine@gmail.com
- Amjambo Africa
- amjamboafrica.com
- facebook.com/amjamboafrica
- Project: Support for developing multilingual podcast programming through the Ladder to the Moon Network in collaboration with USM's community radio station WMPG and WhatsApp. Content includes news and cultural items of relevance to immigrant community members and is chosen with the aim of supporting a stronger, more inclusive, and just Maine.
- Contact: amjamboafrica@gmail.com
- Community Organizing Alliance
- communityorganizingalliance.org
- Instagram.com/coamaine
- Project: Support for Listening, Education and Organizing (LEO) and Community Advocacy Project (CAP) programs supporting the grassroots civic engagement of Black, Indigenous, People of Color and low-income Mainers in Lewiston-Auburn and greater Portland areas to drive meaningful change in their communities.
- Contact: safiya.khalid@coamaine.org
- Families First Community Center
- familiesfirstellsworth.org
- facebook.com/people/Families-First-Community-Center
- Project: Support for an expanded outreach program The Helping Hour" for low-income families struggling with homelessness in Hancock County by equipping them with empowerment and skills they need to become self-sufficient.
- Contact: familiesfirstellsworth@gmail.com
- Hewnoaks Artist Residency
- hewnoaks.org
- facebook.com/HewnoaksArtistColony
- Project: Support for coordinating and sustaining residency of BIPOC artists in collaboration with Indigo Arts Alliance and demonstrating how partnership strategies can address racial imbalances in Maine's cultural ecosystem.
- Contact: info@hewnoaks.org
- Mano en Mano
- manomaine.org
- facebook.com/manomaine
- Project: Support for Access to Essential Services and Advocacy programming to support year round and seasonal migrant community members with access to resources and services which empower them to thrive in Maine.
- Contact: info@manomaine.org
- Pilgrim Lodge
- pilgrimlodge.org
- facebook.com/PilgrimLodge
- Project: Support for "Be the Church" to collaboratively explore development of a new summer camp program for empowerment and leadership development of diverse youth to work for social change.
- Contact: info@pilgrimlodge.org
- The Climate Initiative
- theclimateinitiative.org
- facebook.com/wearetheclimateinitiative
- Project: Support of Youth on Boards, The Climate Initiative provides training and ongoing support for young people to serve on boards of directors of nonprofits, businesses, and government bodies. Working in collaboration with Maine Environmental Education Association, the goal is to empower diverse youth to participate fully in critical climate change decisions in Maine.
- Contact: bethany@theclimateinitiative.org