Haney-Leighton Fund Grantees
The Haney-Leighton Fund Board values the progressive work of our grantees throughout Maine who are working to address root causes of poverty and injustice and provide positive solutions for change. We hope you will connect with them and each other to coordinate and extend your own justice work.
Grantees, please contact the Haney-Leighton Fund at haneyfund@gmail.com with any updates.
Grantees: 2017
- Food AND Medicine (FAM)
- www.foodandmedicine.org
- facebook.com/foodandmedicine
- Project: Support for planning and implementing a Leadership Institute, in collaboration with Faith Linking in Action and other organizations, an 8-month series of workshops in Eastern Maine to develop the skills and analysis grassroots leaders need to create social change.
- Contact: 207 989-5860, melissa@foodandmedicine.org
- Gedakina
- www.gedakina.org
- facebook.com/Gedakina
- Project: Support for outreach to LGBTQ-2 spirit community members from youth to Elders, development of an Indigenous LGBTQ-2 Advisory Council, and participation in leadership and community building activities.
- Contact: RickPouliot@gedakina.org
- Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC)
- www.maineprisoneradvocacy.org
- facebook.com/www.maineprisoneradvocacy.org
- Project: Support for advocacy against the current trend in Maine's county jails to use privatized video visitation to replace in-person visits and increase prisoner isolation. MPAC will work to ensure that all families have the option of a contact visit.
- Contact: maineprisoneradvocacy@yahoo.com
- SAGE Maine (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders)
- www.sagemaine.org
- facebook.com/SAGE-Maine
- Project: Support for a conference in April 2018 on LGBT aging issues, concerns about growing older in our state, and advocacy to improve services and reduce discrimination.
- Contact: 207 809-7015, info@sagemaine.org
- Southern Maine Workers Center (SMWC)
- maineworkers.org
- facebook.com/maineworkers
- Project: Support for development of Organizing Committees in other areas of the state to implement the next phase of their Health Care is Human Right (HCHR) campaign: building public demand for a universal health care system in Maine.
- Contact: 207 200-7692, info@maineworkers.org
- Sunlight Media Collective
- www.sunlightmediacollective.org
- facebook.com/sunlightmediacollective
- Project: Support for collaboration with Seven Eagles Media to produce a documentary series about the history of the Wabanaki Tribes and the State of Maine and to educate state Legislators on the historic and current impacts of tribal-state relations on the Wabanaki people.
- Contact: sunlightmediacollective@gmail.com