Haney-Leighton Fund Grantees
The Haney-Leighton Fund Board values the progressive work of our grantees throughout Maine who are working to address root causes of poverty and injustice and provide positive solutions for change. We hope you will connect with them and each other to coordinate and extend your own justice work.
Grantees, please contact the Haney-Leighton Fund at haneyfund@gmail.com with any updates.
Grantees: 2018
- Maine Council of Churches (MCC)
- http://www.mainecouncilofchurches.org/
- facebook.com/mainecouncilofchurches
- Project: Facilitated Community Conversations among new and longtime Mainers on issues of religion, race, and immigration.
- Contact: 207 772-1918, info@mainecouncilofchurches.org
- Maine Women's Policy Center (MWPC)
- www.mainewomenspolicycenter.org
- facebook.com/MaineWomensLobby
- Project: Outreach and communication to engage young women and women of color in voting in the 2018 election and speaking up about policy issues that affect them.
- Contact: 207 621-0851, info@mainewomen.org
- Oikotree Transformative Theology working group
- www.oikotree.net
- facebook.com/oikotree
- Project: Planning resources for Caribbean/North American Life-Enhancing Learning Together (LELT) workshop to develop new perspectives and paradigms in theology, political economics, and ecology.
- Contact: 207 942-9369, sedavies1942@gmail.com
- Penobscot Transformer Tales
- Project: Transliteration, publication, and distribution of Volume 2 of stories from the 1918 "Penobscot Transformer Tales" to create a community-accessible presentation designed to help the Penobscot community and others more easily engage with traditional texts and promote Penobscot language acquisition and preservation.
- Contact: 207 581-3834, lukens@maine.edu
- Resources for Organizing and Social Change (ROSC)
- www.resourcesforsocialchange.org
- facebook.com/maineworkers
- Project: Support for development of a sustainable organizational structure so that ROSC can continue its grassroots organizing role and activities.
- Contact: 207 607-2571, Sass.rosc@gmail.com
- Spectrum Generations
- www.spectrumgenerations.org
- facebook.com/spectrum generations
- Project: Development of Respecting Choices program to provide education to individuals in island communities regarding health care and end-of-life planning.
- Contact: 207 620-1631, spectrum@spectrumgenerations.org
- Survivor Speak
- www.survivorspeakusa.org
- facebook.com/survivorspeakusa
- Project: Support for Survivor Advocacy Leadership Training (SALT) to empower survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation to work on policy issues, specifically a vacatur campaign.
- Contact: 207 408-1778, deeclarke@survivorspeakusa.org
- Through the Eastern Door
- Project: Publishing of "Through the Eastern Door: When Native and White America Sat Down Together", the story of and lessons learned from a series of gatherings between Indigenous and non-indigenous individuals in the 1980's and 1990's in Maine and the Maritimes.
- Contact: 207 491-0982, shirley.hager@maine.edu