Haney-Leighton Fund Grantees
The Haney-Leighton Fund Board values the progressive work of our grantees throughout Maine who are working to address root causes of poverty and injustice and provide positive solutions for change. We hope you will connect with them and each other to coordinate and extend your own justice work.
Grantees, please contact the Haney-Leighton Fund at haneyfund@gmail.com with any updates.
Grantees: 2016
- Artist Rapid Response Team (AART!)
- www.arrteam.org
- facebook.com/ArtistsRapidResponseTeam
- Project: Making banners for progressive nonprofits; creating a website; LumenAART! video projections for change through electronic "billboards"
- Contact: 207 751-4848, anita@anitaclearfield.com
- Down to Earth Storytelling Project
- www.downtoearthstories.org
- Project: Taking Down to Earth Climate Justice Storytelling Project on the road through film screenings and workshops; developing an interactive website; and communicating through social media
- Contact: Contact: 207 380-5387, downtoearth145@gmail.com
- Four Directions Development Corporation
- www.fourdirectionsmaine.org
- facebook.com/FourDirectionsDevelopmentCorporation
- Project: Providing financial capability educational services to Wabanaki tribal members, families, and communities across Maine
- Contact: 207 866-6546
- Kennebec Valley Organization
- Project: Minimum Wage Organizing Campaign; training new leadership in faith-based community organizing
- Contact: 207 441-9487
- Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC)
- www.maineprisoneradvocacy.org
- Project: Increasing MPAC's focus on Youth of Color (YoC) Leadership; recruiting People of Color (PoC) as Mentors; and leadership development of incarcerated and post-release adults and youth
- Contact: 207 374-2437 maineprisoneradvocacy@yahoo.com
- Maine Women's Policy Center (MWPC)
- www.mainewomenspolicycenter.org
- facebook.com/MaineWomensLobby
- Project: Outreach and communication to engage women of color and young women in voting and speaking up about policy issues that affect them
- Contact: 207 621-0851, info@mainewomen.org
- Resources for Organizing and Social Change (ROSC)
- www.resourcesforsocialchange.org
- facebook.com/ResourcesforOrganizingandSocialChange
- Project: Updating Changing Maine Directory web platform www.changingmaine.org; GrassRoots Organizing (GROW) workshops; Youth Activism Gathering (YAG)
- Contact: 207 607-2571, Sass.rosc@gmail.com
- Southern Maine Workers Center (SMWC)
- www.maineworkers.org
- facebook.com/maineworkers
- Project: Member-led Work With Dignity (WWD); Health Care is a Human Right (HCHR); and Political Education initiatives; building strategic partnerships with community, labor, and faith organizations
- Contact: 207 200-7692, info@maineworkers.org
- Theater Ensemble of Color
- Project: Production of William Shakespeare's Othello and Interactive Post Show Conversations about the effect of racism, privilege, and class
- Contact: 207 210-0785, theaterassembleofcolor@gmail.com