Haney-Leighton Fund Grantees
The Haney-Leighton Fund Board values the progressive work of our grantees throughout Maine who are working to address root causes of poverty and injustice and provide positive solutions for change. We hope you will connect with them and each other to coordinate and extend your own justice work.
Grantees, please contact the Haney-Leighton Fund at haneyfund@gmail.com with any updates.
Grantees: 2020
- Down to Earth Storytelling
- http://downtoearthstories.org/
- Project: Youth directed and produced films documenting stories of Maine youth who are experiencing the impacts of climate change and creating solutions in their schools and communities.
- Contact: 207 380-5387, downtoearth145@gmail.com
- Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine
- www.hhrcmaine.org
- facebook.com/HHRCMaine
- Project: Vision 2020 celebrating the role of black and brown heroes in Maine through an exhibit and educational programs.
- Contact: 207 621-3530, infohhrc@maine.edu
- Land in Common
- www.landincommon.org
- Project: Work to transform their organizational leadership into a multi-racial and cross-class land care and land justice organization working throughout Maine.
- Contact: 207 754-7575, info@landincommon.org
- Maine Council of Churches
- www.mainecouncilofchurches.org
- facebook.com/mainecouncilofchurches
- Project: State symposium on "Saying 'Peace, Peace' When There is no Peace: How Promoting Civil Discourse Risks Protecting White Supremacy" featuring indigenous and people of color speakers.
- Contact: 207 772-1918, info@mainecouncilofchurches.org
- Southern Maine Workers Center (SMWC)
- www.maineworkers.org
- facebook.com/maineworkers
- Project: Expansion of their Health Care is a Human Right (HCHR) art-based cantastoria to online format.
- Contact: 207 200-7692, info@maineworkers.org