Haney-Leighton Fund Grantees
The Haney-Leighton Fund Board values the progressive work of our grantees throughout Maine who are working to address root causes of poverty and injustice and provide positive solutions for change. We hope you will connect with them and each other to coordinate and extend your own justice work.
Grantees, please contact the Haney-Leighton Fund at haneyfund@gmail.com with any updates.
Grantees: 2015
- Down to Earth Storytelling Project
- Project: Filmed and photographed stories from Maine climate justice activists for community and public policy education
- Contact: 207 380-5387, anneburt145@gmail.com
- Gedakina
- www.gedakina.org
- Project: Pathfinders outdoor leadership skills for Wabanaki youth
- Contact: 413 549-1320, RickPouliot@gedakina.org
- Maine Mindfulness Project
- www.mainemindfulnessproject.com
- Project: Train-the-trainer workshops to integrate mindfulness meditation into schools
- Contact: 207 504-2680
- Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC)
- www.maineprisoneradvocacy.org
- Project: Advocacy for Ban the Box legislation and Pay for Work projects
- Contact: 207 374-2437 maineprisoneradvocacy@yahoo.com
- Maine Women's Policy Center (MWPC)
- www.mainewomenspolicycenter.org
- facebook.com/MaineWomensLobby
- Project: Second Maine Women's Summit on Economic Security
- Contact: 207 621-0851, info@mainewomen.org
- Resources for Organizing and Social Change (ROSC)
- www.resourcesforsocialchange.org
- Project: GrassRoots Organizing weekend, Youth Activism Gathering, update of Changing Maine Directory
- Contact: 207 607-2571, Sass.rosc@gmail.com