Haney-Leighton Fund Grantees
The Haney-Leighton Fund Board values the progressive work of our grantees throughout Maine who are working to address root causes of poverty and injustice and provide positive solutions for change. We hope you will connect with them and each other to coordinate and extend your own justice work.
Grantees, please contact the Haney-Leighton Fund at haneyfund@gmail.com with any updates.
Grantees 2014
- Food AND Medicine
- www.foodandmedicine.org
- facebook.com/foodandmedicine
- Project: Food Access Committee
- Contact: 207 989-5860
- Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC)
- www.maineprisoneradvocacy.org
- Project: Advocacy for Ban the Box legislation and Pay for Work projects
- Contact: maineprisoneradvocacy@yahoo.com
- Maine Women's Policy Center (MWPC)
- www.mainewomenspolicycenter.org
- facebook.com/MaineWomensLobby
- Project: Publication of policy briefing guide
- Contact: 207 621-2551, info@mainewomen.org
- Pine Tree Youth Organizing (PTYO)
- www.ptyo.org
- facebook.com/PineTreeYouthOrganizing
- Project: Support for mobilizing youth organizing and leadership development
- Contact: 207 200-3523, pintreeyouthorganizing@riseup.net
- Power in Community Alliances (PICA)
- www.pica.ws
- Project: Support for Maine activists traveling to El Salvador for the Chalatenango Free of Mining campaign
- Contact: 207 947-4203
- Religious Coalition Against Discrimination (RCAD)
- www.rcadmaine.org
- facebook.com/ReligiousCoalitionAgainstDiscrimination
- Project: Educational outreach for LBGTQ justice with youth and congregations
- Contact: 207 775-5758
- Restorative Justice Institute of Maine
- www.rjimaine.org
- facebook.com/RJIMaine
- Project: Maine Inside Out theatre performances
- Contact: 207 619-3630, info@rjimaine.org
- Southern Maine Workers Center (SMWC)
- www.maineworkers.org
- facebook.com/MaineWorkers
- Project: Collaboration with Interfaith Worker Justice Southern Maine on Health Care is a Human Right and Work With Dignity projects
- Contact: 207 200-7692, info@maineworkers.org